
A scrapbook of the knitting related things & times and events while the knitting was taking place. 

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Felted Laptop Cover in Drops Andes 65% Wool – 35% Alpaca

 For Aoife



I decided to complete the laptop cover experiment..... www.knitteryarn.com/blog/2014/1/4/impromtu-knit  and knit to the same pattern which had worked as a snug fit for a 15 inch macbook.  This time though, I ran a 30 degree wash cycle and abracadabra, a 13 inch laptop cover emerged…

Once I knew it was presentable, I gave it to Aoife, who has a fondness for the colour red.  I also thought she might appreciate the experimentation aspect as she is a science student - at present flat-out at thesis writing and studying for finals. She's also a regular and unanimously welcome visitor to our house, and if a handbook is ever needed on how to be the best possible guest, she could write that too.   With the passage of time, I have an escalating appreciation of things I might once have taken for granted, such as good manners.



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