Climb Every Mountain
I always hated that song and to be honest I'm surprised to find I still don't fully hate my zillion year project... and also that the colours (or what remains of them) still raise my spirits each time I take them out to work on them again. And again... And again.... And if and when I ever finish, I hope I can still love the end result because so far it's cost me a locked neck, several physio sessions and strict orders to knit for no more than twenty minutes at a time before taking “a proper” break - and I’m very fearful of asking what constitutes a proper break. Crawling towards the end of the most intense colour section, it's now completely undeniable that the green will run out two or three rows too soon; ditto for purple…. I know many tricks to cover over, but after all this time I’m not sure I wouldn’t prefer to catapult the entire project through whatever black hole the characters mostly ended up in in Interstellar.
I was side stepping the moment of hunting up my green and purple dye lots again because I got the wool in London, where I don’t live, last Summer. I tried to email half-heartedly, then I gave a shot by phone; but they were always depressingly busy (depressing from the point of view of hanging on to dye lots for months)(not from the point of view of the wool store, which is gorgeous) and my messages weren’t seeming to get through. Then I asked my extremely kind and dutiful son to squeeze some time on a lightening trip to London and, caramaba, he established that they still have both my dye lots in stock and my reinforcements will be with me very soon…
And then, I had barely finished that last sentence when lovely, helpful Carole from Liberty (who knocked herself out to help when I was first picking my colours) (more anon if & when I'm finally in a position to unveil the finished project) just got back to me to entirely spontaneously let me know that not only are they en route, but my extra wool is free of charge because she has taken pity on my struggles!
Thank you, Carole! Now not just am I inspired to continue, but maybe I'll knit some warm woollen mittens while I wait!