
A scrapbook of the knitting related things & times and events while the knitting was taking place. 

Filtering by Tag: sex industry

Industrial Weight Spin in the Service Industry


by Brandon Mably in Rowan Kid Classic

…not quite chill enough yet for this incredibly warm sweater and I know I said I wouldn’t knit again, but this one wasn’t onerous.  Also sorting colour focuses my mind –  you mix colour yourself in this pattern, and knit on the double..


I needed something to focus on as I contemplated very peculiar events indeed happening around Amnesty International’s terrible decision to advocate legalising brothels and pimps, and their attempt to pass this off in some quarters as a human RIGHT ??  - If the issues weren’t so grave, this would almost be funny... but they are, so it's not funny at all.

Everything needs to swim to survive, and I expect that the sex industry's vast money making potential must have attracted the attention of more mainstream varieties of shark.  They'll have worked out that selling sex needs to be dressed up a bit nicer in order to get to the benefits of respectability. And laundering its way towards those would explain the concerted avalanche of spin and general glossing of the sex industry for the past year or so.  That some people are buying right in to this zillion dollar PR game is shocking...


Why?! How can people possibly believe this stuff?! It's plain as the nose on your face that, with very rare exceptions indeed, nobody wants to a prostitute, and nobody should ever be forced to be through circumstance, and therefore it should not be legislated for... What's next to mainsream - suicide bombing? Lots of future in that for girls and women too, according to some...


So I'm concluding the reason is that we, the general public, are for the most part inured to prostitution.   We don’t care, don't see as a priority ... actually don’t really see as human… see but actually don’t see at all… We'd probably edge away if we coincided with one in a queue in the local shop, or if one were soliciting outside our home, mightn't be long about shooing them off, and feeling pretty good about ourselves that we'd rid the neighbourhood of something unpleasant or, well, something... and I feel I can speak with some authority on this because I live in an area where this happens frequently. 

Then, the industry and punters that do see very clearly are pretty heavily vested in keeping things blurred... hiding in plain sight...clinically invisible... An extra few layers of PR puffed round them can only further that end...   

When absolutely forced to think about prostitution, most of us also think of "it", and not a sad procession of deprived and abused individuals with whom we wouldn't trade places in a month of Sundays. Then we write "it" off by rote with oldest-profession clichés, before blanking "it" out completely for more pleasant thoughts, like live-and-let-live and doesn’t-affect-us....

And if ever a situation should arise such as...

"Well...wasn't that..? In that car there...?"

No, couldn't possibly have been, is the answer.


Clean and well run brothels...? Now that would be okay, some say, because for some, prostitution is free expression. 

But if you're prepared to listen to survivors, they'll reply: 

Make no mistake - a few adolescent walks on the wild side aren't prostitution. The industry chooses carefully, and if you’re in any position to choose mentally, educationally, materially, they won't be choosing you.

That soft flank, however, is where the industry's spin has been effective....  Nice people like to live and let live; like to see themselves as respecting other people's life choices...

Then came Amnesty, and sandwiched prostitution in between LGBT rights and abortion under a general banner of freedom of choice.  Their bizarre approach to the broken girls and women caught up in its thrall is:  blank the survivors, reward the exploiters and paint misc. anyone else opposing their very peculiar construct into an anti-freedom corner....   

Who has time to figure that out? Especially in relation to prostitution which doesn't affect us anyway, does it...?  All of which confuses and deflects scrutiny, and winds up serving the sex industry very nicely indeed... Good job, PR companies! 


And as prostitutes don’t matter (and that’s the way the industry likes to keep them), most "regular" citizens are unlikely, therefore, to ever ponder on the fact that most prostitutes will have been well entrapped by age 15, if not younger.... (Know any 15 year old girls? how d'you reckon they'd fare behind a closed door with someone getting kicks out of the fact they don't want to be there?).   And most "regular" citizens will not gain insight either into the fact that that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for Amnesty's much vaunted freedom of choice or self determination for the prostitute, does it?

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