Central Heating for Jenny
Mirasol PaquPura Wrap (100% alpaca)
This began life as a comparatively small scarf, but the alpaca was such a joy to work with that restrictions seemed a shame. So I kept adding new panels until it became the almost-poncho you now see, and then got thinking -
“Now, who do I know in this world who needs to stay really, really warm?”
and at once thought of Jenny, who hated being cold so much that she moved to Spain.
And then I recalled a night many years ago when we - including Jenny - all went to a party with every intention of leaving at a respectable hour as there was work to go to next day. But during the party a heavy snowfall occurred - so heavy that for years afterwards people spoke about the year of the bad snow - and nobody could leave, which meant it became a very late night indeed.
Next morning, Jenny, a few other friends and myself, feeling we should at least try to get to work, set out for the bus stop. Jenny is now a quietly stylish woman with the same porcelain-pale translucent skin as she had back then. As a younger woman, though, her dress sense was a lot more flamboyant, especially at parties. Which is why, en route to the bus stop and up to her elevated knees in rapidly rising snow, she still had on a daringly slashed black-and-white super-light cat suit, sky high stilletto heeled boots, light jacket and little else. We all slipped, slid and toiled through a biting wind as well as the tranches of snow, hanging on to each other for support, but in the end the only solution to Jenny's plight was to have one of the boys hawk her along on his back.
When we eventually made the bus stop, someone said, "Look!" and pointed at Jenny in wonder, and with the fascination of the exhausted we observed that she was literally turning blue from head to toe before our eyes... real true blue.... with her lips a slightly darker, more navy hue... as with shaking hands and chattering teeth she gamely tried to light a bright pink cigarette with a gold filter.... One of the boys gallantly offered his jacket, but happily for the survival chances of both, a bus arrived miraculously quickly.
And as this is probably the closest to a central heating system as I’m ever likely to knit, I’m now absolutely certain Jenny should have it.
!Olé Jenny!